Get a complimentary estimate for your shock servicing needs!
Shock Cleaning Fee: Shocks received covered in excessive dirt/dried mud, or those that require more than a minimal amount of cleaning prior to service, will be subject to the shock cleaning fee of $25 per shock. Please clean your shocks thoroughly, prior to service to avoid this fee.
Pre-Shipping Inspection: Pitted, dinged, bent, shock shafts. Visually inspect your shock shafts ahead of shipping/delivery to All-Terrain Shock Solutions as replacement parts would need to be ordered which can affect service completion time and quoted rebuild estimate.
Shipping Shocks: While customers are responsible for shipping to and from All-Terrain Shock Solutions, we will work with all customers outside of the local Houston, TX area in getting their shocks to and from our facility at the lowest cost possible. Your should pack your shocks in a way that provides the most protection against damage during shipping. We will use your box and wrapping to ship your shocks back to you providing the box is in good condition upon its arrival at our location. If shocks are poorly packaged for shipping to our facility, All-Terrain Shock Solutions is not responsible for any loss of shocks or damages to your shocks incurred during the shipping process. *Shipping insurance is required* Pictures of the received package prior to opening and after opening will be sent to each customer for receipt condition documentation.
***Do not ship your shocks with springs if you have a coil-over setup. This is unnecessary added shipping weight with regards to a shock rebuild. Shocks sent in with coils will have a coil removal and reinstallation fee associated with them.
A link to a blog post on properly packaging your shocks will be available shortly.
Payment for services: An estimate will be sent to each customer for standard services to be provided as agreed upon. Additional charges that could be applied (ie, shock cleaning, worn or damaged parts replacement, etc..) will be communicated throughout the process. Upon completion of services, a final invoice including return shipping cost if not a local service order will be sent to the customer. This invoice must be paid in full for shocks to be shipped/returned back to the customer. A detailed inspection sheet for each shock will be sent to the customer via email with the service invoice.
Phone and Video consultations available as well. All consultations will be conducted via scheduled appointment date/time. If a customer is unsure of what shocks they have in regards to filling out the information listed above, please call for consultation.
Mandatory Upgrades:
Plastic IFP (Internal Floating Piston): Any shocks with a plastic IFP must be replaced with an aluminum IFP to insure that proper bleeding can be achieved and IFP location is set accurately.
Schrader Valves: A Schrader Valve Upgrade is required on all shocks without Schrader valves currently installed. This ensures that nitrogen level is filled to the most accurate level and provides the best seal in preventing nitrogen leaks
IFP and Schrader Valve mandatory upgrades vary in cost according to shock brand and model and will be quoted along with services to be provided.